it's a program that is aimed at being the complete newsletter management solution, from the management of the opt-in and opt-out submissions of subscribers, to the sending of the newsletter itself, all with the mere need of just one POP and SMTP mail accounts.
it is not to be seen as powerful and complete as dedicated newsletter servers芒?? solutions; rather, the eNewsletter Manager v2 tends to offer a performant solution for all individuals and companies that need to easily manage medium-sized newsletters lists at reasonable costs.
the eNewsletter Manager v2 is mainly composed of four parts:
The Database Manager, where you can manage your eNewsletter Databases and contacts;
The Composer, that allows to compose the newsletters emails;
The Grabber, which manages all the opt-in and opt-out functionalities of your eNewsletters.
The Sent Messages, which allows you to see all you sent eNewsletters Manager messages.